5 Foods Habits

There’s numerous ‘pathy’ in the world like Allopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic, Osteopathy. Most of these pathies focus on treatment. It revolves around fixing after a health breakdown or disorder has developed.

But Ayurveda is the only medical science in the world that’s dedicated to prevention. It’s a deeply researched life science covering how to eat, what to eat when to eat. It decodes the kitchen to be your natural medical store or pharmacy. Ayurveda focuses on eating the right seasonal food to prevent illnesses. Because prevention is better than cure.

Unlike modern times, the Indian Vedic era was free from commercialization and adulteration for profits. Let's kick out the misleading mass media marketing food fads and bring the Vedic wisdom to stay healthy, lifelong.

Make simple changes in your kitchen to avoid lifestyle disorders.

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